This site is dedicated to the memory of Krystle Few.

Krystle Few was born in Greenville,Ms on December 29, 1985. She is much loved and will always be remembered by all her friends and family.


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It's been over a year now Krissy and we have to try to keep living even though you are no longer here. The holidays are coming quickly and that is hard for us. Your birthday is upon us too. Maybe someday we will remember all these as happy times, but right now they just hurt. We love you so much. The poem is wrong though. Our lives have been changed forever and nothing is the same as it was. But we will be okay. Just enjoy Jesus and the perfection you now live in. We will not be much longer joining you. Save me a place next too you on the bank of the river next to the tree of life. Mom
4th December 2013
Your friends from high school and college sent beautiful things and contributed beautifully to your family during the first few weeks. Your church family is still taking care of your parents. You had 3 pastors at the funeral and many of your patients. Brother David preached and he told about the poem and the painting you gave him. He loved you very much too. Mrs. J sent the finished book you talked about and a very sweet letter. Everyone misses you and the high school and college people who didn't appreciate you back then were talking about your faith. Many, Many donations were made to many places in your memory. The AITP chapter of DSU honored you with a beautiful plaque that had a very good picture of the two of us, and your art work is being admired by everyone. You were so talented in so many different ways. You did a good job baby girl, you finished your work and God gently took you home. I thank God that he gave me the honor of being your Mother. I will always love you and miss you but I am happy that you are in heaven with Jesus where nothing is imperfect.
31st March 2013
My lovely daughter I loved you so much. Now I miss you so much. I know you are in heaven, maybe you even got to set the sun one night. I've saved everythig I could make room for and if you could have seen all the people who's life you touched, you would not believe it. It won't be long my baby girl til we see each other again. Then we will have eternity to spend together with the Lord. I love you. Mom
24th February 2013